Further reports from XVI International AIDS Conference, 13-18 August 2006, Toronto, Canada

Reports from the conference

In the September issue of HV Treatment Bulletin, we included first reports from this important meeting, including studies relating to treatment access, new antiretrovirals, treatment strategies including boosted PI-monotherapy, malignancies, basic science, some paediatric care and a range of other studies.

In this issue, we conclude our coverage with reports on women’s health, prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) and additional paediatric studies.

These reports include:

  • Prevalence and predictors of squamous intraepithelial lesions of the cervix in HIV positive women in Lusaka, Zambia
  • Effect of herpes simplex therapy on genital and plasma HIV viral load
  • Maternal health and prevention of mother to child transmission
  • 18-month effectiveness of short-course perinatal antiretroviral regimens combined to infant-feeding interventions for PMTCT in DITRAME PLUS ANRS 1201/1202 2001-2005
  • HIV prevalence rates amongst 6 week old infants in South Africa: the case for universal screening at immunisation clinics
  • Maternal illness during pregnancy is associated with in utero mother to child transmission
  • Extensively drug resistant TB (XTB) in South Africa

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