October 2006
Volume 7 Number 10 October 2006
New i-Base Book: Why we must provide HIV treatment information
Conference reports
8th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV, 23-26 September 2006, San Francisco
The role of the metabolic syndrome in HIV
Effect of lifestyle modification on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome
Pioglitazone reduces peripheral lipoatrophy and improves adipokines without reducing visceral fat
Leptin reduces visceral abdominal tissue (VAT) without reducing limb fat
Adipose tissue morphology improved after treatment discontinuation
Incidence of lipodystrophy in Rwanda
46th Interscience Conference on Antiretroviral Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 27-30 September 2006, San Francisco
MK-0518 demonstrates potent efficacy in patients with triple-class resistant virus: 24 week results
Lipid profile of integrase inhibitor MK-0518: 24 week results compared to efavirenz in treatment naive patients
Cell studies predict cross-resistance among integrase inhibitors
HIV may use different coreceptors in blood and brain
Critical interactions between darunavir (TMC114), lopinavir, Viagra, and oral contraceptives
NRTI elvucitabine active against HIV in a 7-day monotherapy study
Efavirenz/tenofovir fails as 2-drug maintenance regimen
Nucleoside inhibitor MK-0608 mediates suppression of HCV replication for >30 days in chronically infected chimpanzees
Report from the 10th Annual UK Resistance Meeting, 21 September 2006, London
Further reports from XVI International AIDS Conference, 13-18 August 2006, Toronto, Canada
Prevalence and predictors of squamous intraepithelial lesions of the cervix in HIV positive women in Lusaka, Zambia
Effect of herpes simplex therapy on genital and plasma HIV viral load
Maternal health and prevention of mother to child transmission
18-month effectiveness of short-course perinatal antiretroviral regimens combined to infant-feeding interventions for PMTCT in DITRAME PLUS ANRS 1201/1202 2001-2005
HIV prevalence rates amongst 6 week old infants in South Africa: the case for universal screening at immunisation clinics
Maternal illness during pregnancy is associated with In utero mother to child transmission
Extensively drug resistant TB (XTB) in South Africa
Early access programme for MK-0518 integrase inhibitor
Etravirine (TMC-125) available on named patient programme in the UK
Fixed dose combination (FDC) of tenofovir/FTC/efavirenz (Atripla) filed in EU
Tipranavir available in Scotland – almost one year after EU approval
FDA decision delayed on Biojector for administering T-20 pending additional safety information
Treatment access
Gilead licenses tenofovir to Indian generic manufacturers
Funding prospects improve for Round 6 Global Fund
BHIVA draft report on UK standards for HIV care (2006)
US adult treatment guidelines updated (2006)
TB coinfection
Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis: a serious wake-up call for global health
Global report on TB and HIV: new analysis of TB/HIV epidemics in Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Thailand
Basic science and immunology
Viral load is a poor predictor of CD4 decline at the individual level
Volume 7 Number 10 October 2006 PDF
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Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide
24 March 2025
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