Updates from the PrEP IMPACT study – November 2017

PrEP study team

Enrolment news

A month on from the PrEP Impact trial starting to enroll its first participants, good progress is being made with over 1,900 people now enrolled on the trial and receiving PrEP.

Over 35 clinics including sites in London, Brighton, Cambridge, Norwich, Leicester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool and Durham are now open for trial recruitment. All participating clinics are expected to open by April 2018.

An up to date list of participating clinics can be found on the trial website where people can find out if their local clinic is open to recruitment.

Most sexual health clinics are expected to take part in the trial, so people will be able to enroll at a local clinic when it’s ready. In order to avoid people travelling long distances to access PrEP, we are currently working with clinics and community groups to ensure everyone has the latest information on the trial and is aware that clinics across the country will be opening soon.

Trial management update

The PrEP Oversight Board held its latest meeting on 15 November where it welcomed the third lay member to join the group following a recent recruitment process.

Issues raised and discussed at the Board included:

  • An update from the trial Sponsor on progress so far with participant recruitment and site openings, along with future projections.
  • An update on work to define the principles which will guide any future re-allocation of trial places, in the event of some clinics quickly filling their allotted places.
  • An update from lay representatives which included a request for the website to include information on when a trial site has reached its full allocation of places for gay and bisexual men, but where there are still places available for other groups.
  • An update from Local Authority commissioners who raised the importance of regular communication between the trial organisers and local sites to help address local issues or problems that might arise.
  • The need for the Board to continue to receive frequent updates on trial progress given that recruitment was taking place very quickly.  In future a dashboard will be produced showing progress against key objectives and to help actively manage the allocation of places between sites and different participant groups.
  • The need for continued regular communication from the Board to stakeholders – it was agreed that going forward, stakeholder updates would be sent out within one week of Board meetings where possible.
  • A request for a proposal to come to the next meeting on raising awareness of the trial in groups other than gay and bisexual men, to ensure that as diverse a range of participants can be recruited to the trial as possible.
  • An update on the launch of Public Health England’s HIV Prevention Innovation Fund which includes a number of projects related to PrEP. (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/600000-funding-of-12-projects-by-phe-to-help-prevent-hiv)

The Board will meet again on 19 December and a further update will follow after that date.

For further information on the trial please visit the trial website.

This update is from a bulletin from the PrEP IMPACT Study.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.