24 August 2018: vol 19 no 14: AIDS 2018 – next reports…

This issue of HTB continues our reports from the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) that was held from 23–27 July 2018 in Amsterdam. 

We start with the optimistic news that Namibia is already close to achieving the 90-90-90 goals – with results presented by the Namibian Minister of Health at the conference. 

Less optimistically, two studies showed results from using dolutegravir monotherapy, which, at least from the audience’s response, should not be continued due to the risks of unpredictable viral rebound. 

We also use this issue to highlight several posters from the conference covering changing comorbidities in a UK ageing cohort, use of digital (finger, not electronic) monitoring for HPV, high rates of HPV in a PrEP cohort, and high incidence of HCV reinfection (also in a PrEP cohort. 

We include a review of cure-related studies, two studies about increasing access to viral load testing, and a UK protocol for helping diagnose people whose HIV test results are repeatedly indeterminate. 

An additional report from the paediatric workshop reviews a new dispersible tablet formulation of dolutegravir for children. 

Antiretroviral news includes top-line results from the phase 3 ATLAS study, bringing long-acting, injectable ART a little closer and new FDA updates on interactions between anticoagulants and Genvoya, Stribild and cobicistat. 

We include sobering news on continued rates of death to drug overdoses, especially to opiates and recreational drugs. 

And we end with new resources from the Martin Fisher Foundation that include online videos to reduce HIV-related stigma. 

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.