August 2018
24 August 2018: vol 19 no 14: AIDS 2018 – next reports…
03 August 2018: vol 19 no 13: AIDS 2018 – first reports
Conference reports
22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) – second reports
Namibia close to achieving 90-90-90 targets
Dolutegravir monotherapy: still no longer recommended in either research or clinical practice
Changing comorbidities in HIV positive people older than 60 at London clinic
High acceptability of annual digital (finger) exam for early detection of anal cancer in gay men >35 years old
High rates of anal HPV infection in gay men using PrEP in IPERGAY: the role of vaccination
HCV incidence and reinfection in HIV negative gay men using PrEP in the Netherlands
FDA-approved compounds that might selectively reverse HIV latency
Lack of impact on viral reservoir with α4β7 monoclonal antibody vedolizumab: macaque results not matched in humans
Janssen HIV vaccine: update from APPROACH and largescale efficacy study
Viral load testing in Latin America and the Caribbean
Access to viral load testing increased from 14% to 61% over two years in Côte d’Ivoire
Resolving a diagnosis for people with persistently indeterminate HIV test results
10th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics – second reports
Dolutegravir dispersible tablets for infants and young children: early PK, safety and efficacy
22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) – first reports
Caution on press conference news from AIDS 2018
Zero HIV transmissions in PARTNER 2 study after gay couples had sex 77,000 times without condoms – an undetectable viral load stops HIV
DTG/3TC dual therapy is non-inferior to triple-ART in GEMINI study
Once-daily reduced dose darunavir/ritonavir (400 mg/100 mg) is non-inferior to twice-daily lopinavir/ritonavir in South African switch study
Superior efficacy with dolutegravir-based ART compared with other regimens at 6 months: real-world data from Brazil
WHO recommends dolutegravir widely but women’s access will depend on contraception provision (2018)
No additional neural tube defects among a further 170 preconception dolutegravir exposures in Botswana: Tsepamo study (July 2018)
Swifter viral load suppression with dolutegravir vs efavirenz in late pregnancy: results from DolPHIN-1
First randomised kick-and-kill cure study fails to reduce HIV reservoir: RIVER study reports vorinostat and vaccines show activity, but not enough
Using PrEP with feminising hormone therapy supports daily PrEP dosing for transwomen
Daily and on-demand PrEP both prevent HIV in Prévenir study: high adherence by gay Parisians
AIDS 2018 online: links to selected webcasts
10th International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics – first reports
Preconception safety signal with dolutegravir: data from the Tsepamo study
Top-line phase 3 results released for cabotegravir/rilpivirine long-acting injections
Interactions between oral anticoagulants and Genvoya, Stribild and cobicistat: FDA label updates
Other news
More than ten people a day died from drug-related deaths in England and Wales last year:
On the web
We learn, we think, we change: Martin Fisher Foundation and Stiggy launch campaign to end stigma
24 August 2018: vol 19 no 14
03 August 2018: vol 19 no 13
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Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide
24 March 2025
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