Enteric coated ddI available on named patient basis in UK

A named-patient programme is now available for didanosine enteric coated capsules (ddI/EC). Supplies are limited, and Bristol-Myers Squibb ask clinicians to be guided by the following the entry criteria:

  • Treatment naïve


  • Failure on last regimen or resistance suspected/ confirmed


  • Intolerant to 200mg tablet formulation of didanosine

Dosing for ddI/EC is one 400mg capsule daily. Food restrictions remain the same as for earlier ddI formulations. Capsules must be taken on an empty stomach (at least two hours after food), and patients should not eat for 30 minutes after dosing.

There will be an administrative charge of £193.60 for a month’s supply of 30 enteric coated capsules of ddI provided in a bottle. These supplies will be administered on a named patient basis, which as you may know does entail certain legal responsibilities including serious adverse event/ serious adverse drug reaction reporting requirements for the requesting physician. For further information please contact the named patient administrator by telephone on 020 8754 3788 or by e-mail: virology.namedpatient@bms.com

Source: Bristol-Myers Squibb, 25 April 2000

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