HIV risk to partners of people in studies with a treatment interruption

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

Risks to partners of HIV positive people who are enrolled in studies that include taking a treatment interruption treatment interruption are the focus of eight articles published as a supplement to the Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID).

The free or open access articles in this issue are:

  • Risk to nonparticipants in HIV remission studies with treatment interruption: a symposium – Nir Eyal and Steven G Deeks
  • How to address the risk of HIV transmission in remission studies with treatment interruption: the low-hanging fruit approach – Nir Eyal
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus transmission risk in analytical treatment interruption studies: relational factors and moral responsibility – Liza Dawson
  • Removing One barrier to protecting sex partners in HIV remission studies with a treatment interruption – Nir Eyal


The ethics of this concern for partners is increasingly recognised by research groups with community demands also calling for access to PrEP to be included within such studies.


JID paper. Risk to Sexual Partners in HIV Remission Studies with Treatment Interruption. Selected articles. Volume 220, Issue Supplement_1, 1 August 2019.

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