Online information for people living with HIV

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

Many organisations now have online information to answer the main questions in easy language. A selection is linked below and include some posts from the i-Base Q&A service.

As with all information please check the date and whether or not the resources are updated in real time.

•   i-Base Q&A service

•   HIV Scotland: HIV, PrEP, COVID-19, sex: what you need to know

•   ITPC – Q&As for HIV positive people globally

•   BHIVA: Eight questions for HIV positive people

•   US Centre for Disease Controls (CDC) FAQ

•   International AIDS Society (IAS): COVID-19 and HIV: What you need to know

•   JAMA: Stopping the spread of COVID-19

i-Base Q&A service

The following questions are answered online and updated as needed as new data or guidelines recommend.

HIV and coronavirus (COVID-19): are HIV positive people at higher risk?

Will PrEP be affected by coronavirus and COVID-19?

What is difference between self-distancing and self-isolation for HIV and COVID-19

What are guidelines for pneumococcal and flu vaccines during COVID-19 crisis?

HIV Scotland: HIV, PrEP, COVID-19, sex: what you need to know

The online information from HIV Scotland has good Q&As organised into four main areas. i-Base contributed to some of these.

HIV & coronavirus – what you need to know

PrEP & coronavirus – what you need to know

Sex & physical distancing – what you need to know

Been at risk of HIV during COVID-19? – what you need to know

BHIVA: Eight questions for HIV positive people

The BHIVA Q&As include importance of continuing to take ART, looking after physical and mental well-being, and advice about access to care if you think you have coronavirus symptoms.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)

Q&A on COVID-19, HIV and antiretrovirals

Coronavirus myth busters


  • Being in the sun or at high temperature does not protect against COVID-19.
  • Being able to hold your breath does not mean you are free from coronavirus.
  • Alcohol does not protect against COVID-19. Neither does garlic.
  • Cold weather and snow doesn’t kill coronavirus and hot climates are still at high risk.
  • Coronavirus is not transmitted by mosquito bites.
  • Will pneumonia and flu vaccines help?

Q&A on COVID-19, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding

Q&A: Similarities and differences – COVID-19 and influenza

US Centre for Disease Controls (CDC) FAQ

Information from the US CDC from 20 March 2020.


FAQ page

ITPC – Q&As for HIV positive people globally

Information available in a PDF booklet from the International Treatment Preparedness Coalition (ITPC)

Among the questions addressed are:

•   What is the coronavirus and what is COVID-19?

•  Who is at risk for COVID-19?

•   How do you get it?

•   What happens to people with COVID-19?

•   How can it be prevented?

•   What do you do if you feel ill?

•   How do you get tested?

•   How is COVID-19 treated?

Ref: ITPC. Personal and community guidance on COVID-19.

International AIDS Society (IAS): COVID-19 and HIV: what you need to know

JAMA: Stopping the spread of COVID-19

Information from JAMA that includes a graphic to explain importance of hand-washing and covering coughs and sneezes.

Ref: Desai AN and Patel P. Stopping the Spread of COVID-19. JAMA. (20 March 2020).

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.