CROI 2022: Webcasts now online and open access

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

CROI 2022The decision to hold CROI as a virtual meeting this year limited access to the conference webcasts to registered delegates for the first month.

This included 3414 attendees from 86 countries, with about 40% coming from outside the US.

After this, the website platform used for the 2022 meeting has been closed, with the content moving the main CROI website that hosts archived contents from previous conferences.

There is a separate link for webcasts:

Abstracts from CROI 2022 are also now released as PDF abstract book and as a supplement to Topics in Antiviral Medicine (TAM). (PDF)

From 1580 abstracts submitted, 898 were accepted (with 214 linked to COVID-19).

Those with a focus on special populations included: adolescents (48), 48 MSM (94), People Who Inject Drugs(39), Transgender (37) and Women (130).

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.