i-Base guides updated online
5 February 2024. Related: Editorial.
Simon Collins, HIV i-Base
Four of the six main i-Base treatment guides have been recently updated.
These resources all available online only.

Updated online guides
2025 update online now refers to draft BASHH guidelines circulated in October.
Updated throughout as an online guide.
All online pages have been revised and updated.
This updated guide is based on broad UK access to direct acting antivirals (DAAs) that effectively cure HCV in 95% of people with HIV/HCV coinfection.
The major changes in this guide are now updated in the online edition.
The HIV and pregnancy guide is one of the few guides that is still available as a printed resource.
PrEP resources
The PrEP and Pocket PrEP guides include the new recommendations from the 2024 BASHH guidelines.
Updated earlier in the year, this guide now includes all the latest recommendations in the new BASHH PrEP guidelines.
Also updated to include the 2024 BASHH guidelines, this is a simple easy introduction to PrEP. Roughly a four-minute easy read.
Posters and postcards with QR codes linking to both guides can be ordered free at this link.

Printed booklets still available
These three guides that are still available in print.
Planning your pregnancy. HIV treatment when pregnant. Important monitoring tests. Stopping your baby getting HIV. After baby is born. November 2023.
HIV and your quality of life
Side effects and living well with HIV. Talking with your doctor. Ageing well. Diet and exercise. Tips to help. April 2023.
When viral load rebounds. Second-line therapy and drug resistance. Access to latest drugs. August 2021.
Order guides and leaflets
Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.