New TB website and resource
2 October 2009. Related: On the web.
TheĀ Stop TB Partnership have launched a new website resource focused on evidence-based tuberculosis diagnosis:
Several agencies, groups and individuals have contributed to the development of the site that provides a comprehensive single source of evidence syntheses, policies, guidelines and research agendas on TB diagnosis. It provides access to published systematic reviews on TB diagnostics (grouped by various test types or platforms), the relevant policies, guidelines and research agendas on TB diagnosis, and several reports, monographs and training modules and slide presentations on TB diagnostics.
The website also provides guidance on how to conduct and report diagnostic TB research, on how to perform systematic reviews of diagnostics, tools on guideline development, including GRADE, and documents on improvement of laboratory quality and practice. Up to date information on the current TB diagnostics pipeline is also provided, along with SOPs and package inserts for several tests, and specimen banks and databases. All information is provided as open access, with no registration or fee requirements.
This new website resource addresses a long-standing need for a single portal that compiles all critical evidence on TB diagnosis, along with relevant policies and guidelines for clinicians, health professionals and policy makers.