Updated guidelines for using antiretroviral agents among HIV-positive adults and adolescents (2002): recommendations of the Panel on Clinical Practices for Treatment of HIV

The availability of an increasing number of antiretroviral agents and the rapid evolution of new information has introduced substantial complexity into treatment regimens for persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

In 1996, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation convened the Panel on Clinical Practices for the Treatment of HIV to develop guidelines for clinical management of HIV-infected adults and adolescents.

This report, which updates the 1998 guidelines, addresses 1) using testing for plasma HIV ribonucleic acid levels (ie viral load) and CD4+ T cell count; 2) using testing for antiretroviral drug resistance; 3) considerations for when to initiate therapy; 4) adherence to antiretroviral therapy; 5) considerations for therapy among patients with advanced disease; 6) therapy-related adverse events; 7) interruption of therapy; 8) considerations for changing therapy and available therapeutic options; 9) treatment for acute HIV infection; 10) considerations for antiretroviral therapy among adolescents; 11) considerations for antiretroviral therapy among pregnant women; and 12) concerns related to transmission of HIV to others.

Source: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Recommendations and Reports, (05.17.02) Vol. 51; No. RR-7 – Tuesday, May 21, 2002; Mark Dybul, MD; Anthony S. Fauci, MD; John G. Bartlett, MD; Jonathan E. Kaplan, MD; Alice K. Pau, Pharm.D.; Courtesy of the CDC National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention.

Full guidelines available at:

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