Virus, damned virus, and statistics: the epidemic in numbers

Graham McKerrow, HIV i-Base

  • 40 million people are living with HIV
  • 94% of PLWHA are in developing countries
  • 3 million died with AIDS in 2001
  • 1.7 million died of TB the previous year
  • 1 million were killed by malaria that year
  • HIV has been recorded in almost every country
  • Seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa have HIV prevalence in adults over 20%
  • In four of those countries one in three adults has HIV
  • Prevalence rates can reach 50% in major cities like Francistown, Gabarone or Mbabane
  • GDP has fallen 2.6% in countries where prevalence is more than 20%
  • By 2020 more than 25% of the workforce in some countries may be lost to AIDS
  • In Kenya AIDS accounts for three out of every four deaths in the police force
  • By last year 13.4 million children had lost one or both parents to AIDS
  • By 2010 that figure will be 25 million
  • Nearly half of all new infections are among people aged 15 to 24
  • More than two million young people were infected last year
  • In two years, reported annual HIV infections in Russian IDUs aged 10 to 19 rose from 300 to 10,000
  • Without comprehensive intervention another 45 million people will have HIV by 2010
  • If rich and poor countries keep their promises, 29 million of these infections could be avoided
  • Delaying this response by one year will cost five million lives
  • $2.1 billion has been promised to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
  • Only $300 million has been received by the fund
  • $3 billion is needed to respond to TB and malaria alone
  • Less than 1% of PLWHA in developing countries can access ART
  • 28 million Africans have HIV
  • Only 30,000 Africans receive ART
  • 230,000 people receive ART in developing countries
  • Half of them are in one country: Brazil
  • Less than 4% of people who need ART in the developing world can access it
  • WHO wants 3 million more people treated by 2005
  • Africa faces a shortfall of 2 billion condoms
  • The Global Fund has promised $1.6 billion over five years for treatment and prevention of the three diseases
  • These Global Fund dollars will double the number of people on ART in developing countries
  • These Global Fund dollars will increase six-fold the provision of ARVs in Africa
  • There are 200,000 AIDS orphans in Haiti
  • 750,000 babies are born with HIV every year
  • 30 presidents or deputies have taken direct command of their national AIDS responses

Sources: the World Health Organisation, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, UNAIDS.

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