US pregnancy guidelines updated (Dec 2005)

The “Public Health Service Task Force Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV-1 Transmission in the United States” have been revised to include:

  • Updates to Clinical Scenario #3. The new information discusses a 3 to 7 day “tail” of postpartum maternal ZDV/3TC following single dose maternal/infant nevirapine; this “tail” may reduce the risk of nevirapine resistance.
  • Updated information on the role of cesarean delivery in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
  • An updated Supplement: Safety and Toxicity of Individual Antiretroviral Agents in Pregnancy, including a new section on tipranavir.
  • A Perinatal Antiretroviral Guidelines Working Group Conflict of Interest Disclosure (Appendix).

Updated information appears highlighted in yellow.

You can download the updated guidelines, or request to receive them by e-mail or hard copy from the AIDSinfo Web site:

AIDSinfo – HIV / Medical Practice Guidelines

The AIDSinfo website is also a useful source of other information related to HIV/AIDS, including other treatment and prevention guidelines, downloadable databases for PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), fact sheets, and HIV/AIDS-related clinical trials information.

Source: FDA list serve

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.