Volume 6 Number 6 June 2005

It has been four years since the last UK guidelines for pregnancy were produced, and over this time clinical practice has already substantially changed. These updated guidelines are certainly welcome.

In the lead article of this issue of HTB, Polly Clayden reviews the guidelines, together with related studies presented to the BHIVA Spring conference held in Dublin earlier this year.

The abstracts from this meeting are available online as part of the online conference database on the AIDS Education Global Information System.


Included as a supplement with this issue is the 2005 edition of the i-Base Introduction to Combination Therapy. All four i-Base guides have now been updated this year, and other guides were distributed as supplements with the previous issues of HTB.

If your clinic is using anything dated earlier than 2005 – all publications are clearly dated on the top left hand side of the cover – please throw those away and re-order! Treatment guides are provided free to clinics, organsiations and individuals, so that people have access to the most up-to-date information.

The new guides are updated to include recent changes and discussions in the 2005 BHIVA Treatment Guidelines.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.