Journal articles online at Medscape

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Volume 18, Number 15

  • Immunologic and clinical responses to HAART over 50 years of age. Results from the French hospital database on HIV
  • Cost-effectiveness of HIV PEP following sexual or injection drug exposure in 96 metropolitan areas in the United States

Volume 18, Number 14

  • Proviral HIV-DNA predicts viral rebound and viral setpoint after structured treatment interruptions
  • Response to HAART varies with age: the UK and Ireland Collaborative HIV Paediatric Study

JAIDS: Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes

Volume 37, Number 2

  • Impact of HAART on anemia and relationship between anemia and survival in a large cohort of HIV-infected women: Women’s Interagency HIV Study
  • Progressive Multifocal Leukencephalopathy (PML) in Patients on HAART: survival and risk factors of death

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