Conference abstracts and reports
29 January 2005. Related: On the web.
AEGis (AIDS Education Global Information System) has provided a huge library of AIDS information free to the world for over 12 years. Just one of its projects puts AIDS conference abstracts online, when no one else has done so.
In the current issue of AIDS Treatment News there is an interview with Sister Mary Elizabeth about the AEGiS online conference abstract database.
7th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection
November 14 – 18, 2004, Glasgow, Scotland
Several sites include early coverage of this meeting including:
Medscape coverage
- Late-Breakers From Glasgow – Douglas Ward
- Viral Resistance to Antiretroviral Therapy – Jens Lundgren
- Adverse Events – Jens D. Lundgren
- Negotiating the Nucleosides on the Path to Simplicity – Douglas Ward, MD
XV Intl AIDS Conference, Bangkok
Mark Mascolini’s report from the Bangkok Conference
IAPAC conference articles are always essential reading, and a couple of months after most of the media attention has been forgotten, is sometimes the best time to re-read an in-depth report.
New Google research tool
This new Google tool enables to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research.
New web page on HIV drug deliberations
A new Food and Drug Administration Web page consolidates reports from HIV/AIDS-related advisory committee meetings to make accessing them easier. The site lists advisory committee meetings held since 1996; records are indexed by topic and year. Meetings related to drugs, biologics and medical devices are documented.
The site will be updated to include records of future meetings.
Most records include the meeting announcement, committee rosters, briefing materials and transcripts.