Online treatment journals and newsletters

New PRN Reports

Diagnosis and management of HPV-associated anogenital dysplasia in HIV-infection – Joel Palefsky MD

Excellent and comprehensive overview of the pathogenesis, management and treatment of anal and cervical HPV-related dysplasia from the leading researcher in this field.

Novel viral markers predict HIV disease progression – Eric S Daar, MD

Article covering range of CD4 and virological reponses to HIV, including discordant responses and the role of long-term slow progressors.

GMHC Treatment Issues – May/June 2004

May/June 2000 include:

  • Demanding Gender Equality: Stephen Lewis issues a challenge
  • ARV Progress in India: Interview with Khousalya Periaswamy
  • Immunology Report: Gareth Hardy on the Keystone Conference
  • Abbott’s Bad Medicine: How the ritonavir price increase will hurt innovation
  • Drug News: Updates on drugs in and out of the pipeline
  • Scramble for Africa: Gregg Gonsalves on the future of NIH’s AIDS research network

TAG coinfection report

The Treatment Action Group (TAG), a New York-based AIDS research and treatment advocacy group, today released a comprehensive review of research on hepatitis C and HIV/HCV coinfection, accompanied by recommendations for research and policy.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.