The prevalence of hypogonadism in HIV positive patients receiving HAART

Alvan Fisher, for

In this study we did a retrospective chart review of 88 male patients with HIV infection who had been on HAART for at least six months.

Hypogonadism as defined by low serum-free testosterone (<15Êpg/ml) was seen in 20%. Clinical wasting (weight loss >5% of ideal body weight) was prevalent in 42%. Hypogonadism was seen in 14% of patients without wasting and 30% of patients with clinical wasting. Also the majority of patients with moderate or severe wasting were not hypogonadal, but testosterone deficiency was seen more often in patients with more than moderate wasting. We concluded that testosterone deficiency in these male patients was lower than previously reported in other cohorts and did not correlate with wasting. Indeed, wasting may be the cause of testosterone deficiency.


Desyatnik M, Baaj A, Fisher A. The prevalence of hypogonadism in HIV-infected patients receiving HAART. XIII International AIDS Conference, 9-14 July 2000, Durban, South Africa. Abstract TuPeB3180.

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