Community webinar series on HIV cure-related cell and gene therapy

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

A new series of community monthly webinars on HIV cure research will focus on cell and gene therapy research and will include discussions with leading researchers.

The use of cell and gene therapy against HIV is a promising new cure-related strategy with the potential to target the virus with a limited number of doses.

The series begins in June 2022 and ends in February 2023. Each monthly session will last an hour with Q&A discussions that include community members.

The programme includes many leading researchers.

  • 21 June 2022: The basics: Jennifer Adair, Global Gene Therapy Initiative; Michael Louella, DARE CAB Co-Chair
  • 19 July 2022: Designing T cells for HIV cure studies: James Riley.
  • 16 August 2022: Cutting out HIV with CRISPR: Kamel Khalili, Tricia Burdo.
  • 20 September 2022: Silencing HIV: Priti Kumar, Yale University, HOPE
  • 18 October 2022: Gene therapy in Germany: Prof. Dr. Joachim Hauber.
  • 15 November 2022: Duo CAR T cells: Kim Anthony-Gonda.
  • 17 January 2023: Engineering B Cells: Paula Cannon.
  • 28 February 2023: Gene Therapy in Africa: Boro Dropulic.
Registration is required:

Each webinar will last an hour.

This project is being coordinated by the Delaney AIDS Research Enterprise (DARE) with the DARE Community Advisory Board (CAB).

For more information, contact Lynda Dee at

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