April 2001
Conference reports
8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections
Paediatric treatment issues at the 8th CROI
Roche and Trimeris announce US sites and investigators for T-20 phase III study; activists want wider access to drug for sickest AIDS patients
European marketing approval granted for lopinavir/r (Kaletra)
HIV-1 strains using the CXCR4 co-receptor are suppressed with potent therapy
Efavirenz use in HIV-positive children
Treatment strategies
Interleukin-2 improves CD4+ cell counts in patients with poor immune response to HAART
Use of cytokines in HIV: colony-stimulating factors, erythropoietin, and interleukin-2
Treatment access
South African court battle damages drug industry’s image
Red Cross slams drug firms over pricing policies
Medecins Sans Frontieres urges drugs giants to drop South Africa suit
Second Indian firm offers cut-price HIV drugs
Yale pressed to help cut drug costs in Africa
GlaxoSmithKline offers 90% discount on HIV drugs to Africa
HIV drug prices cut for poorer countries
Bristol-Myers Squibb offers to sell AIDS drugs in Africa at below cost
European activists demand greater access to T-20
Paediatric care
Steatorrhea prevalent in HIV-positive children; clinical significance unclear
Side effects
Risk of lipodystrophy in HIV-positive treated with PIs: a prospective cohort study
Coinfections and complications
Roche’s valganciclovir for AIDS-related eye infections backed by FDA panel
Topical docosanol may be beneficial in treating HIV-related Kaposi’s sarcoma
Basic science and immunology
Despite differences in viral load, men and women develop AIDS at the same rate
Thymic output of CD4+ cells contributes to CD4+ cell and viral load dissociation
CTLs decrease with combination antiretroviral therapy but precursor cells remain
Drug resistance
HIV evolves independently in blood and CSF
Other news
AIDS-related abdominal disease does not increase surgery risk in AIDS patients
Protease inhibitor use not linked to atherosclerosis in middle-aged HIV patients
Pain common among HIV-positive individuals
Manifestations of syphilis similar in HIV positive and HIV negative subjects
HAART improves subcortical functioning in cognitively impaired HIV patients
Link documented between problem drinking, noncompliance with HIV treatment
Stress, anger bad for HIV patients’ immune system
Grief counselling may lower HIV viral load
Volume 2 Number 3 April 2001 PDF
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