PK workshop: new drugs and drug interactions

Pre-press reports: 13th International workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy

16–18 April 2012, Barcelona

Hyperlinks below to early reports for the next edition of HTB are published online in draft.

The full edition of the May/June edition of HTB will be online next week.


This important annual workshop always includes studies that are not presented to other meetings.

Studies in this issue of HTB include:

Reports on drug interactions are selected, and in some cases summarised, from a full report produced by the pharmacology group at Liverpool University (

The full Liverpool report is available online and in PDF format. (PDF)

It is appreciated that the organisers enable both the programme and abstract book to be available download in PDF format.

Abbreviations used in these reports:

Cmax = Maximum concentration; Cmin = minimum concentration; AUC = Area Under the Curve; GMR = Geometric Mean Ratio; IC90/50 = Inhibitory Concentration needed to reduce viral production by 90/50% in vitro.