Q and A


Can you comment on my CD4 drop?


I was diagnosed in 1994 and started treatment in 2011 when my CD4 was 134 viral load 150,000. A couple of months later I did my blood test with results being CD4 140 viral load undetectable.

In may this year my CD4 was 175 still undetectable.

In September I did my blood tests and results were CD4 count 64 and viral load still undetectable.

Any reason or your comments about my results? thank you



Because we are not doctors and we don’t have all your medical history, this is also something your doctor needs to explain.

It is very unusual to go for such a long time from diagnosis until you needed treatment. you were lucky to stay well over this time.

Since starting treatment it is good that your CD4 count increased. Also, because your viral load has been undetectable all this time, this tells you that your combination is still working very well. The meds are controlling the virus and you do not have drug resistance.

The drop in your CD4 count may be real or may be a lab error.

In the UK, any unexpected test results is done again to check that the findings are right. So this would be the next thing for your doctor to do.

Because the CD4 count can fluctuate, you could ask for you if your CD4 percentage (CD4%). If your CD4% has been stable, then this drop may not indicate any real change in your immune system.

However, as it has taken your CD4 count below 100 – and getting close to 50 – your doctor should take this seriously and check that another infection is not responsible.

Are you still taking the antibiotics cotrimoxazole? This is especially important until you get these answers.


  1. Simon Collins

    I can only comment further though if you tell me what it is :)

  2. temba

    Hi yes the doc gave me the cd4%.

  3. Simon Collins

    Thanks, did your doctor give you the CD4%? This would be useful to know. It is still good to be cautious until the results of your next test. It is very good that the viral load is still undetectable.

  4. temba

    hi there my cd4% hasn’t changed was just worried that it was in the 170 range and dropped to 60 and undetectable.

  5. Robin Jakob

    Hi Temba,

    Eating garlic will not interact with your meds. It will not affect you HIV though. The only thing that can do that is taking your medication.

  6. temba

    Thank you for this very informative site. I need to find out if eating raw garlic will cause negative reactions towards my medication. I am on Atripla and antibiotics. And is garlic good for the gut?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Temba, thanks – the antibiotics are very important too and I just wanted to check this was included. Please let me know how you get on.

  8. temba

    hi yes I started taking antibiotics at the start of my treatment.


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