Q and A


Do I have HIV or AIDS? How long until my viral load will be undetectable?


I have read through the section on frequently asked questions and still feel the need to seek re-assurance or at least a second opinion if reassurance is hard to give.

I am a 38 year old male, recently diagnosed HIV positive (early December 2009) and have received a very encouraging prospect with regard to the short term prognosis for improvement of my health by my clinic. However whilst trying to educate myself more I have learned that my diagnosis should be one of AIDS rather than simply HIV-positive; this is something that was not mentioned at the clinic until I asked the direct question.

I can see the importance of keeping my spirits up and hopes high but this makes me question whether or not I have been given the full picture.

Can you shine a light on it for me from your point of view please?

As said, 38 years old, told the likelihood is that I was infected at least 5, possibly more years ago (long time-span between seroconversion and diagnosis), relatively good health during that time, non-smoker, non-drinker, regular exercise, no additional pre-existing non-HIV-related illnesses or conditions, My CD4 at diagnosis 148 and viral load was 580,800. Additionally I was diagnosed with Kaposi


Thank you for your question.

The last few months must have been very hard and it is fantastic that you are learning about HIV and treatment.

Historically, the difference between HIV and AIDS diagnosis was more important. However, now that treatment is available to reverse the reduction in CD4, the two terms are much less relevant. The USA definition of an AIDS diagnosis, for example, is anyone with a CD4 count of less than 200.

It is impossible to say when exactly you were infected. A best guess is to think about when you could have been exposed to HIV. For many people this doesn


  1. Jan

    Dear Winnie, thank you very much for your comprehensive response, it has re-assured me and put my mind at rest. Also many thanks to others on the I-Base Team, personally I have found your web-site one of the most usefull ones in English.


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