Q and A


I am HIV positive can I go to Russia? I am UK citizen


Thank you for the question.

Russia is one of the few countries that still has a ban on HIV positive people. However, immigration will only know that you are HIV positive if they find your medication. If you are not yet on treatment you should be fine. If you are on medication, remember it is best to keep your medication in your hand luggage.

Many people continue travel to these countries knowing there is a slight risk that their medication could be found. If this happens you could be sent back to the UK, but we have heard that in similar situations, customs officials do not know or care specifically about HIV.

It might help if you ask your doctor to write a letter saying you have a medical condition which requires medication but that you are fit to travel. The letter shouldn’t state that you are HIV positive, but should mention that your medication is for a ‘long term health condition’.


  1. Simon Collins

    The UK has no entry criteria related to HIV. If you are able to travel to the UK, then whether or not you are HIV positive is not important.

  2. Sunny

    Hey I m Indian
    21 year old I m hiv positive can I travel to uk???

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, Perhaps the way to decide on where you go to study would be to chose your course and college first. Then you could get in touch anonymously with them to find out if that county has restrictions on HIV positive candidates.

  4. Sunny

    Hi, I’m Indian. I am HIV positive. Please tell me how many countries have no restriction for student visas? I want to know how many countries give study visas for HIV positive candidates? Can you kindly guide me?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi, asking the university anonymously about this might be a first step to understand how important this is.

    Aas a treatment infromation project based in the UK I am sorry we don’t have the infomration to answer this question. Your friend is unlikely to be the first person in this situation. If she would be able to take treatment with her or have this posted to her form Nigeria this might guarantee the best way to still be on treatment. There might be an official answer and an unofficial way. Or there might not be any problem.

  6. Amanda

    A very close friend of mine was diagnosed of HIV positive few weeks ago. She is still looking very healthy and she wants to further her education in Russia(university), is it possible for her to get the Visa?

  7. Robin Jakob


    You can find specific information about HIV and travel to Dubai here:

  8. Rey

    Am HIV + can I travel to Dubai?

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nasser,
    According to HIVrestrictions.org student visas for Russia require an HIV negative test result and foreign nationals found to be HIV positive will be expelled from Russia. Please have a look at that link for further information.

  10. nasser

    j have been admitted to one of Russian university on exchange programme. and j am about to complete my first year and then j will required to go to Russia for the rest of my study . we are two but my friend is HIV positive.will they allow him to get a visa, or is going to loss his capital and time for his first year


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