Q and A


Can i get married if i have HIV?

I am newly diagnosed and female, i am only 20. Can i get married if i have HIV?



I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

There is no reason, related to HIV, that you cannot get married. It is also common now to have children who are negative.

HIV treatment today is very effective. Some people who are on effective HIV treatment can expect to live as long as someone who does not have HIV. HIV should not be something to be ashamed of and it does not make you less of a person. It may take a while to find the right person but many people with HIV are happy in relationships.

You can find information about being newly diagnosed on our website.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Thanks Alfarsimms.

  2. Alfarsimms

    Woow thanks alot for this information, am learning alot. We are all humans and some of us don’t even know how we got these stis

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Chally,

    Yes this is right. There’s no reason why HIV should be a barrier to getting married. And yes people who are positive can have healthy lives. The main thing is that they take medication.

  4. Chally

    So a hiv positive patient can marry and also live a healthy life.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Adrian,
    It’s great that you are happy and feeling good. But you must take credit for this too! Talking to your doctor, and making decisions about treatment together, really has worked for you. Thanks for posting this Adrian.

  6. Adrian

    I been living with hiv for the past 8 years I had two daughters one is hiv and the other is not because the time I don’t I was hiv so she had it through Brest feeding. We are on our meds which we take as the doctor say our cd4 is the way it should as our viral load . I find it that if u do as your doctor ‍⚕️ say everything will be fine and normal. U will be healthy u will be free from other sickness.so far I cannot complain because I feel I am healthy I feel good I feel happy to now I am still living.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Lesetja – yes, very easy for you and your wife to have children safely – you just need to be on effective HIV treatment. See question 6 at this link:

  8. Lesetja

    My wife is HIV possative but i am negative so we want to have children so i don’t know what to do so maybe you may help me

  9. Khomotjo

    You get married if someone loves you it wont change because of ur status…this is not the end of the world..

  10. Yollander

    I also thought being HIV positive would mean no kids, no job or no husband… but my partner is negative and the relationship is growing stronger and he’s looking forward to starting a family. being honest is the key, but to avoid abuse don’t tell every guy you meet of your status, try to learn their personality, views and opinions on HIV before you tell them. now smile, its not the end of your life…


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