
When will there be a cure for HIV?


Thanks for your answer to my previous question.

I have managed to convince my girlfriend who tested HIV positive not to commit suicide. I told her to take medications for the next few years.

I told her that i was convinced that there would be a cure in the next few years. Are my hopes justified?

In your opinion how long do you think it would take to find a cure if any?

What websites give such information?


Learning that you have HIV can be tough. But while coming to term with this it should help to know that current treatment means that most people can lead long, normal, lives.

We can do the same things we did in life before we had HIV. This includes sport, work, getting married and having children. Some people even say that finding out they were HIV positive meant that they valued life more than they did before.

Some people make changes in their lives for the better, in ways they might not have done otherwise. Life may be slightly more complicated with HIV, but access to good treatment allows all these things.

When someone is first diagnosed they may not have information, or they may not believe it.  This is why access to accurate information is so important.

As for a cure, I’m sure it will come. In the last five years there has been a dramatic increase in this research. Scientists are making great progress in working on all the sections of this very complex problem.

Science has a way of solving most problems. If not now, then it will happen in the future. But putting a timeline on when is tough. Many of the leading scientists are cautious on this. Many suggest at least ten years is reasonable but an unexpected breakthough could change this.

One part of the challenge for HIV is that the virus becomes part of the genetic material (DNA) of immune cells. Some of these cells, once infected, rest or sleep for many years. Currently HIV drugs only work in cells that are active or awake, but research is looking at ways of targeting those sleeping cells.

This article describes new approaches to cure research:

Even if a cure is a long way off it is not something that I worry about. It will come, and treatment will keep me healthy and alive until then. Following research is a good was to keep informed – both for newer treatments and for research into vaccines and ‘a cure’.

Most HIV organisations have newsletters that report on research from medical conferences. If you email me with which country you live in I can suggest something that may be useful.

Note: The answer was updated in September 2014 from a question asked in August 2007.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Iysa,

    The first thing that you need to do is have your test confirmed at a clinic. If it is positive, they will need to run some blood tests. These tests are important as they will indicate how well your immune system is doing and how much of the virus you have in your body.

    If we take it that the result is right, then you need to give yourself some time. A HIV diagnoses can be a shock. Let yourself breath. You will be OK. Having HIV today is very different to what it used to be. The medication that is used to treat it is excellent. People can also expect to live long and healthy lives.

    Having someone to talk to can help. Have you been able to get support?

    Its normal that you will be thinking about your future. That you will be thinking about relationships and a family. These are all things that people with HIV have. And with people who are HIV negative. It all though comes with time and is easier once you come to terms with your status. The following link may help:

    With regards to your boyfriend, I can’t really tell you what to do here. If he’s a doctor he may have a good understanding of what HIV is. Maybe you could talk to him about this. If you’ve been having unprotected sex, then he may also being living with HIV. Is this something that you’ve thought about?

    For now you need to think about you. Breath.

    At the moment there isn’t a cure for HIV. As I have said though, the treatment is excellent. In fact when a person is on medication, once their viral load becomes undetectable. (This is the amount of virus that is in your blood). The risks of them transmitting HIV are close to zero. This is helpful when your in a relationship. Please see the PARTNER study for more info:

    Please try and remember that your life isn’t over.

    If you need anything else, please email us.

  2. lysa

    Am lysa from Nigeria…. two weeks ago I ran a routine HIV check on myself and it read positive. I have not been myself till now and I feel death should come and have me because my life has no meaning anymore.
    I just clocked 29yrs, not married yet and my boyfriend is a Doctor. Should I tell him about this or I should quit the relationship? If I happen to quit, how on earth will I get a man who will accept me for my status?
    Can I get a cure since the infection is discovered early?
    I truely need your reply, tnx

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eddie,

    Please see question one here:

  4. Eddie

    Hi everyone 8 weeks ago I had a one night stand with an ex of mine..during sex the condom broke and luckily I pulled out 15 seconds later. 5 days later I then realised I had a cut on my penis which I wasn’t aware off… a couple of weeks later I had a fever,chills and sore throat..when I googled this it pointed to hiv symptoms…I’m now experiencing weight loss on my waist and swollen lymph node….I’m scared on going for an hiv test but I’m convinced that im hiv positive….what do I do?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eric,

    How people take the news that they are HIV positive varies. As too, does what they do. Contacting a support group might help, or talking to friends. Its important to know that being HIV+ is very different to what it used to be. Lots of people who are diagnosed now can expect to live a normal life. Its also now know that if you’re on treatment that the risk of transmission are close to zero. Its a journey though.

  6. Eric

    What do you do when are told you HIV+?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pricilla,

    Have you tried finding out what their thoughts are about HIV? This might help gauge when would be a good time to tell them. Or if they will be able to accept your status. Its worth knowing that lots of people have negative partners. And if you’re on treatment and undetectable then the risks of transmission from condom-less sex are close to zero. Please see the PARTNER study:

  8. Pricilla

    Thank u for testing HIV I now live more healthier than before but I now broke up with my partner I m in love with someone else I love him so much I wonder will he accept me with my status

  9. Moses

    Hi i-base,
    Am a boy from tanzania,i have gone thru various information on your website,ril informable,i will like to receive more updates on hiv treatment and anything useful related.
    Thank you,hope hiv cure wil next be found.

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Rahul, please see question 1 and related liks at this link:


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