Q and A


What are the chances my baby will not be HIV positive?

I’m pregnant and HIV positive. When i checked my CD4 count it was 225. What are the chances my baby will not be HIV positive like me? I’m 2 months pregnant.



Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Because you are only 2 months pregnant there is a very good chance that your baby will be HIV negative. Transmission from mother to child is prevented using HIV treatment. If you are not already on treatment you should talk to your doctor or clinic about doing so.

Within a month or two your viral load should be ‘undetectable’. Your viral load tells you how much virus is in your blood. An undetectable viral load does not mean that there is no HIV in your blood, just that it is very low. Once you have reached this point, and as long as you continue to take your meds, the risk of transmission to your child is extremely low.

You can find lots of information about HIV and pregnancy in our online guide.


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