Q and A


I have a running stomach, is it ARVs or the water?

I have been taking ARVs since August. I’m HIV positive and 27 weeks pregnant. I’ve recently moved, I never had problems of running stomach before but now I’m concerned about wether it’s side effects or the water here. My husband and my son also experienced the same problem and neither of them are on treatment. My son is negative. Could it be the water or side effects? People visiting us are also complaining of running stomachs.



It sounds like you are doing well protecting your baby by being on treatment. It also sounds unlikely that the symptoms you are experiencing are related to your HIV treatment. Side effects usually start relatively quickly after starting medication. Because it has been quite a while since you started treatment this might be caused by something else.

I can’t tell you if it is the water but this could be a possibility. Particularly considering other people have felt ill too. It is important that you speak to your clinic or doctor about this, particularly because you are pregnant. You can get yourself and your family members tested to work out what is going on.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Moses,

    There can be many reasons why people have low sexual performance. It can be caused by a wide range of medical and psychological issues. Please see this link to info about sexual health and quality of life.

    However, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about what HIV meds you are taking. Reported side effects of some ARVs include weight gain. You can ask about other HIV meds that can be better for you to take.

    And it’s a good idea to discuss low sexual performance with your doctor too. There can be many reasons for this that may not be linked to your ARVs.

  2. Moses

    I’m 42 years male with HIV positive for 9 years. Since I started to take my treatment I have a waist problem and low sexual performance,is it ARVs give me problem or what?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi David,

    I’m sorry to hear about your son’s diagnosis. But how old is he? Can he talk to the doctor about his stomach cramps? He can ask if changing ARVs will make a difference.

    Please let us know more. What ARVs is he taking? And if you have access to viral load and CD4 count results, please tell us what they are.

  4. David

    My son tested HIV 3yrs ago her mother said no HIV and the father is tested negative, but now my son is on ARVs at night his stomach is got cramps

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lucky,

    Please consult your doctor about this, they should be able to give you something for your stomach.

  6. Lucky

    Hie I’ve been taking arv for 3 weeks ,is it bad having a running stomach at a stage ?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Elizabeth,

    I’m sorry but I don’t understand your question. Could you please rephrase it?

  8. elizabeth

    I’m a woman of 59 I’ve been diagnose with hiv 2 months ago, my concern is that I go regularly to toilet its not running but I go in every after 3hours.

  9. Lisa Thorley
  10. Mbakoh

    I have been with this Lady who is HIV positive we went to the doctor and i was tested negative and am having running stomach could it be that I am infected of the sickness?


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