Q and A


Can i change the time i take my ARVs?

I take my ARVs at 8am and 8pm. Can i change it to 10am and 10pm?



This is not a problem as long as you consistently take them at the new time. Jumping back and forth mean you have a risk of developing resistance. This would mean your meds would stop working well.

People do change the time they take their meds for all sorts of reasons though. Again this is ok as long as you keep taking regularly at the new time.

The only concern about switching from evening to morning is if your combination include the drug efavirenz. Efavirenz needs to be taken 1-2 hours before you sleep, so you reduce side effects.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cindo,

    What ARVs are you taking? If you’re taking Tribuss or any other version of Atripla this can be difficult. That’s because these HIV meds need to be taken before bedtime to avoid side effects when you’re awake.

    But you can talk to your doctor about this and see if you can switch to other meds that don’t have this side effect. You can take these at anytime of day or night. So it will make changing shifts much easier.

    It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor because you shouldn’t have to change from morning to evening every week. Taking meds at about the same time every day makes sure you get the correct dosage all the time.

  2. cindo

    I change shift at work every week can i change time from evening to morning every week when taking arvs

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lucas,
    Your question has been answered here.

  4. lucas

    I take myARV BY22h08 now I’ve made a mistake I have already drink by22h07

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dora,
    Taking Tribuss before bedtime can help reduce possible side effects of efavirenz. Please see this link.

    Taking Tribuss at night reduces side effects as you will be sleeping when drug levels are highest. A high fat meal can increase efavirenz levels but other food is okay.

    If you don’t have any side effects at the moment you can try taking it at 8pm and see if it’s okay.

  6. Dora

    Im on triboss can i take it at 8 pm or shud it b brfore u go to bed

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anonymous,

    You could try contacting the Treatment Action Campaign. They say,’Through TAC’s over 230 branches across seven provinces we directly monitor healthcare service delivery’, so it’s worth contacting them.

  8. Anonymous

    I collect my meds at clicks phamarcy now my collection dates do not correspond,what do I do

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kudzai,
    Yes you can. But what ARVs are you taking? It’s recommended that if you are on Tribuss or Odimune, see here, that you take it on an empty stomach just before bedtime.

  10. kudzai

    Hie am taking arts at 1at night everyday is it possible to change my time and start drink them in the morning


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