Q and A


Can i change the time i take my ARVs?

I take my ARVs at 8am and 8pm. Can i change it to 10am and 10pm?



This is not a problem as long as you consistently take them at the new time. Jumping back and forth mean you have a risk of developing resistance. This would mean your meds would stop working well.

People do change the time they take their meds for all sorts of reasons though. Again this is ok as long as you keep taking regularly at the new time.

The only concern about switching from evening to morning is if your combination include the drug efavirenz. Efavirenz needs to be taken 1-2 hours before you sleep, so you reduce side effects.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Portia,

    Are you taking Atripla (it’s also called Tribuss and has other names).

    But they say to take it before bedtime so if you do have any side effects they happen when you’re asleep. It means that if you are going to bed in the morning you should take it then.

  2. Portia

    Hai I’m working 3 shift so when Im night I suffer a lot is it owk if I take My med in morning before I sleep?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Prayers,

    What did the doctor say? Did they mean that your first line meds (stage 1) have stopped working? Is that why you’ve been given second line meds (stage 2).

    It looks like your viral load has rebounded on the last meds you were taking. Can you ask the doctor if they’ve checked that your stage 2 drugs will still work?

    You can also ask your doctor about what time of day it’s best to take your meds.

    Please let us know what the stage 1 and stage 2 meds are.

  4. Prayers

    I was put on stage 2 and after some time I got pregnant and the went back to stage 1 everything seemed ok for 2yrs but all of a sudden my viral load stars going up now up to 16000.
    My doctor suggest I go to stage 2.
    Is this going to work?
    And also can I take let’s say @6 am then take the night 1 @10pm because of the side effects.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Rato,

    I’m sorry to hear that your sister has run out of meds.

    However, it looks like Trenvir contains the same HIV meds as Trivenz. It has now been added to our list for other names for Atripla.

    So this should be fine. But it’s a good idea to tell the doctor about this so that she doesn’t run out of meds again.

  6. Rato

    Hi my sister runout of her medication she is pregnant and she is on trivenz so it is safe for her and the baby to take trenvir or she must wait until tomorrow since its holiday to get her medication?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Charles,

    I’m not sure about your question. What ARVs are you now taking? And what is the reason for switching to new meds?

    Please ask your doctor about why you have to take these meds in the morning.

  8. Charles

    Hi , iwas given medication 3years ago and iwas taking them at 9t, now thy give me the different medics to take morning, Can ireplace them for 9t instead – iwont have any problem?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tshidi,

    Changing the time that you take your meds wont’ be the reason why you’re losing weight. If the weight loss is an issue, please discuss this with a doctor.

  10. tshidi

    Hi I used to take my meds at 20:00 now I hve changed to 10: 00 now I am loosing wait it is a problem to changed it


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