Q and A


Can i change the time i take my ARVs?

I take my ARVs at 8am and 8pm. Can i change it to 10am and 10pm?



This is not a problem as long as you consistently take them at the new time. Jumping back and forth mean you have a risk of developing resistance. This would mean your meds would stop working well.

People do change the time they take their meds for all sorts of reasons though. Again this is ok as long as you keep taking regularly at the new time.

The only concern about switching from evening to morning is if your combination include the drug efavirenz. Efavirenz needs to be taken 1-2 hours before you sleep, so you reduce side effects.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi John

    Thanks – it is easy for you to just chance to the time that you think will be best.

    Once your viral load is undetectable, it is also okay to be a little earlier or later on some days without it causing any problems.

  2. John

    Hi, I take my ARVs at 12pm can I change it to like 10pm? Iiterally only started taking them yesterday (15/04/2021) after my initial diagnosis, and took them at 12pm but now I’m thinking I should have waited until later.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Peter, HIV meds are really good at keeping HIV under control. They will also let you lead a long and healthy life. But you do have to keep taking the meds. Even if you take every dose for over 10 years, there will still be tiny levels of HIV in you blood.

  4. Peter

    How many years can I take art before the viruses are cleared from my blood system

  5. Lisa Thorley
  6. Sydney

    May i ask, how many years do i have if i recently got diagnosed with hiv and i am on arv treatment

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Irene,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  8. Irene

    What if u change the time once does it have some side effects I mean the drug,,

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Queen,

    If you’re wanting to change the time of when you take your meds, you can take them at your normal time, so 8pm, and then again in the morning.

  10. Queen

    How do I change my timing? Will I take it in the evening and the next morning? Or just skip the usual evening dose and start in the morning


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