Q and A


How long does an HIV negative infant take the Ilvitrim syrup?

 For how long can an infant take the ilvitrim suspension syrup when tested negative?



Please ask your doctor about this. The doctor will tell you why it is important and how long it need to be used for.

Usually it will be for at least 18 months. However, it also needs to be continued if breastfeeding is longer than this.

Ilvitrim syrup is a combination of two antibiotics. It protects your baby from different infections.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zakithi,

    First, many congratulations on having your baby. It sounds like you’re doing everything you can. You are on ARVs and your baby is on nevirapine.

    But what does the doctor say about your viral load? The best way to help protect your baby’s health is for your ARVs to get your viral load to undetectable. And that means less than 50 copies.

    So it’s important to talk to your doctor about your ARVs. You can ask if they are working properly. If they’re not, you can ask to change to different ARVs.

    Did you have access to your viral load result when you gave birth? Please let us know what it was.

    And here’s the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  2. zakithi

    I’m HIV + and breastfeeding I just found out after 6 weeks of breasfeeding that my viral load is 33 329 high is there any posibility that my baby is infected he is on NVP im on ARV?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lilly,

    if you don’t have HIV then there’s no reason why your baby should be taking nvp. And no it won’t have caused her any issues.

  4. Lilly

    Hi my baby was given nvp but she stop taking it after I tested negetiver after 3 days of my baby’s birth..which means she took it for 3 days..is this ohk

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    Doctirm is an antibiotic, not an ARV. As to how long she will need to take it for, this is something that you’ll need to discuss with your daughters doctor.

  6. Anonymous

    Hi. I’m hiv status is suppressed n my baby is now over 3 months old on doctrim. For how long does she have to take it n do I need to stick to the time that I’m giving her or anytime is fine?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anna.

    The nevirapine is an ARV and the ilvitrum is an antibiotic. In some countries it’s common that they are given together to babies. If you have any concerns then ideally you should talk to your doctor.

  8. Anna

    Hi im hiv+My baby is 6weeks old got tested waiting for results he is on nevirapine from birth and now at 6weeks was given both nevirapine and ilvitrum is it save to give him both..?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nozzy,

    All baby’s need to take a short course of HIV drugs for the first few weeks of life, if their mother is HIV positive. Ilvitrim is an antibiotic that can help stop lung infections like pneumonia.

    So it sounds like you’re doing all you can to look after your baby’s health.

    But please talk to the clinic about the best way to feed your baby.

    Here’s the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health. It has sections on after your baby is born, and on feeding your baby.

  10. Nozzy

    Hello I wish to know if I can continue breastfeeding my boy is 6weeks now at the clinic they suggest that I must stop to give nevirapine they give me ilvitrim and I will switch to formula after four months what to do. Why do I have to stop nevirapine.


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