Q and A


Is my partner at risk if I am on HIV meds?

Hi, I am hiv positive and I have a partner who is negative. He knows about my status and he doesn’t have a problem with it. my CD4 count is 903.

We used protection for the first time when we made love but when times went on we stopped using it.he ejaculated inside me knowing my status and we bought the Norlevo tablets the following day to prevent pregnancy. we haven’t gone to the clinic yet to accompany him to test.

Is it possible for him to get infected, even when I’m taking my treatment well?



No, if your viral load in undetectable on HIV meds, then your boyfriend is not at risk. Even without a condom.

The reason to used condoms are for pregnancy and other STIs.


  1. Simon Collins

    First, it is not very nice to talk about someone without their knowledge. If you are condcerned about their helaht, this is something you can ask about – though it is not any of your business – especially of you decided not to use condoms. You are an adult and should take responsibility for you own actions. For infomration about risk when someone is on treatment, this recent study might be worth you reading.

  2. Gift

    Hi i would like to know,ive been in a relationship with a lady since from last year around june until last year october ive just heard the roamers that she was HIV positive and i slep with her without a condom maybe 3 times and ive heard that she is on treatment for a long time i just wana know what are my chances of contracting HIV because we usually used condoms but sometimes not.and now am in relationship with a new with a lady and i love her so much..Plz HELP