Q and A


Can we try for a baby in I am on ART (Tribuss) and my partner is not?

Hi  I found out Im HIV positive last month and I have only been with my partner for the last 2 years yet when we started out we were both negative. Anyway he admitted to having made a “mistake” last Year November which is when he got infected and thereafter infected me.

So after we found out about our new statuses we decided to start trying for a baby as soon as possible however my concern is I started my treatment (Tribuss) last week but he hasn’t and I want to know if it is safe to continue having unprotected sex when trying to conceive.



As you and your partner have the same type of HIV, the only reason to use condoms is to protect against pregnancy or STIs.

It is good that you are on treatment for your own health and for your baby,

Your partner not being on treatment does not affect this.