Q and A


Can i-Base help me find a partner who is also HIV positive?



I am sorry that i-Base is not set up to be able to support a service that connects individual to each other.

We can’t publish phone number on the website for safety reasons – both for your safety or for that of people who might contact you. Although this is a shame, I am sure you can understand circumstances where this might be misused.

A better option would be to connect with other positive people in your area but joining a support group. Or if a group doesn’t exist, perhaps start one linked to your clinic,

Several community organisations have online forums to meet people including poz.com.

Although this is based in the US, it includes people from many other countries.

Good luck in finding a partner.

Also, although there are lots os reasons when having a positive partner is good, the results from the PARTNER study shows that having an undetectable viral load is very safe to your partner. This is even if you are not using condoms, for example, if you want to have children.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Nthabiseng, good luck in finding a partner. You have your whole life to find someone and to work on being happy.

  2. Nthabiseng

    Hi..I just need a guy who is HIV on treatment like me,just wanna be happy again


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