Q and A


What does it mean if my CD4 count is 166?


I have a couple of questions in order to answer you properly:

– Are you currently on treatment?
– Do you have access to treatment?
– What has your doctor recommended?
– Which country are you emailing from?

This general information though may be useful.

Your CD4 count is a results from a blood test that show how many cells were found in a cubic milimetre of blood – ie 166 cells/mm3. It gives and idea of how strong your immune system is. For someone who is HIV-positive the CD4 count is a very useful marker for the amount of damaged caused by HIV, and after starting treatment it is used to see how the immune system improves. The lower the CD4 count, the higher the risk of HIV-related illnesses.

For an HIV-negative person, a normal CD4 count can be anywhere between 400-1600.

Treatment guidelines recommend starting treatment before your CD4 count drops below 200 cells/mm3. Some guidelines recommend starting treatment even earlier.

Even if you start treatment with a lower count though, you can still expect to get a good response to treatment.

If you are not already a member, you may also want to contact the Treatment Action Campaign for advice and information about accessing treatment.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cliff,

    A CD4 count tells you how strong your immune system is. A count of 251 is on the low side. But do you have access to HIV treatment?

    HIV treatment (ART) can reduce HIV in your blood to such tiny levels that it can’t be detected. And this can give your CD4 count the chance to recover.

    Please let us know what HIV meds you are taking. Do you have access to your viral load results?

  2. Cliff

    What does it mean if my cd4 count is 251

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nunu,

    You’re already doing the best thing possible, which is being on meds. This and only this, will improve your CD4 count. For more info please see question 2 here:


  4. Nunu

    What can I do to improve my CD4 count because its 166 and I started treatment.


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