
Are we on the verge of a HIV cure?

Are we on the verge of a HIV cure? All the research I have been reading seems to point to eradication of HIV. I have read about prostratin which can target latent HIV also BIT225 which targets HIV in monocytes and have read about a broad spectrum antiviral which targets envelope viruses.

I am HIV positive and now I feel that there is real hope that eradication is possible however I understand that it


Thank you for your question.

It is great to see that you are so interested in HIV research and new initiatives. The science surrounding HIV is changing all the time. No-one knows if and when a cure will be discovered but there are some significant steps taking place.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Prince,

    Though some ARVs may cause side effects for some people. If people do not take ARVs, eventually their CD4 count will drop. This will result in them becoming very ill and developing, if not treated AIDS. AIDS are we know can be fatal.

  2. Prince

    The issue is the side efffects of ART drugs its more deadly than the disease


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