
Are we on the verge of a HIV cure?

Are we on the verge of a HIV cure? All the research I have been reading seems to point to eradication of HIV. I have read about prostratin which can target latent HIV also BIT225 which targets HIV in monocytes and have read about a broad spectrum antiviral which targets envelope viruses.

I am HIV positive and now I feel that there is real hope that eradication is possible however I understand that it


Thank you for your question.

It is great to see that you are so interested in HIV research and new initiatives. The science surrounding HIV is changing all the time. No-one knows if and when a cure will be discovered but there are some significant steps taking place.


  1. fenning

    i am hiv positive and i dont feel like killing myself.i live normal and i always take mi medications happy all the time and nothing shows that sm hiv positive.thank God for giving me this state of mind

  2. JMS

    One day their will be a cure. I hope it happens in our life time and forget about this horrible disease that has killed people in the millions world wide. I also thank the people in the 80’s and 90’s who struggled to live and that used their bodies for possible treatments that are helping us live longer live. RIP to all that have died of AIDS.

  3. Mee

    I know I believe there is a cure!!! Whoever has it, please share it with the world because people like me who have it are desperately seeking a cure. Forget about the money what people are interested in is the human race thats what’s at stake. I am not speaking for myself, but for the whole world and for a safer life, a healthier life.

  4. onyeara

    How did you apply to get to stay in the UK? I am from Africa and in the same condition. Please could you tell me how to apply to be able to get to stay there too?

  5. ss

    I’m glad my article could help, it seems to be quite popular reading I hope it gives some hope to those who are in need. When I was diagnosed I felt the same. I felt like ending my life but I soon found out that there is a life after a HIV diagnosis. The treatment is very good and the side effects are not as bad as they make out. The only thing I would say about the medications is to take them on time and not to miss them as this will keep your viral load down to undetectable levels and very much reduce the chances of drug resistance. In most cases it’s just a single pill once a day. I look at it like this – most people take a vitamin pill a day so I look at it as my vitamin which helps and there is hope that there will be a cure as there is some very interesting research going on but for now we must be positive about our positive status.

  6. Charlotte Walker

    Thanks for your comment. It is great that you found our website and I hope that we can continue to be of support to you. There are many people living with HIV, the important thing is for you to get the support you need by sharing experiences with other people in the same situation. If you need more information on where to get support please contact us by e-mail, phone or using the website question service. Good Luck.

  7. me

    I just found out I am HIV positive today and was looking for ways to die but now I have come across this website I am feeling a little bit better but still very upset. Can’t they find cure quickly? Why is it difficult for them to find a cure?

  8. imran

    At least there is a hope for people like me around the world who are living with HIV. It is a long road but still hopeful. I was diagnosed back in 2000 in Dubai and was given 24 hours to leave the country as they don’t want carriers around them!! My life was shattered and I had no options but to come over to the UK for residence and treatment. To this day my family who live in Pakistan don’t know about my condition as I feel there is no point in dragging them into this nightmare.

    England has been very kind to me and granted me stay for treatment and now I am a British citizen. I have no words to thank the people for taking such good care of me and who knows one day in my life time we all be cured from HIV.

  9. Charlotte Walker

    If you follow the link to the HIV treatment bulletin in the answer to the question you can subscribe to receive a free copy of the HTB which includes all the latest research

  10. Trevor

    Send me latest development research info


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