Q and A


Should I take Tribuss or Trivenz?

Hi…I’m 3 months pregnant and have tested HIV positive.. My GP recommended tribus pills to start using it and my medical aid decided to give me trivenzn. I’m not sure if I should use it or go back to my GP to explain to her..

Please help, must i start using it or not?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Tribuss and Trivenz are a generic form of Atripla. Therefore, it doesn’t matter which one you take, as they are the same drug. Please see:


What is important is that you are on medication. More so because you are pregnant. It is ARVs that will help prevent transmission.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anna,

    Trivenz is a generic version on Atripla. Its an type of medication that is used to treat HIV. It isn’t a vitamin.

  2. Anna

    Hi. I’m giving negative but I saw my boyfriend using trivenz, and when I ask about it he said it’s vitamins. Is that safe?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Sipho, it would help to have a bit more information. For example, what is your wife’s normal weight? Also, how much has she lost and over what time? Finally, do you know her current CD4 count and how low ithis went before treatment? If this was low then it might be another infection rather than being a side effect. What does her doctor say?

  4. Sipho

    Hi my wife she is using Trivenz and she is losing weight. what can we do to gain weight again?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mivuyo,

    Could you please confirm which ARV you’ve now been given as trifen isn’t an ARV.

  6. mivuyo

    hai i was using odimmune now my medical aid decided to give me trifen is it safe please help ?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Faith,

    Its perfectly safe to take tribuss whilst breast feeding. Your baby will not be effected.

  8. Faith

    Hi can use tribuss while breast feeding & how will it affact my baby

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Faith,

    Congratulations on the birth of your baby. If its testing information for babies that you need, please see this link:


  10. Faith

    Hi i 7wks old baby, breast feeding can take tribuss my baby is for testing @ 10weeks


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