Q and A


Will ARVs interfere with me taking the pill?

Do ARVs affect the efficiency of birth control pills?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Please see here for info about ARVs and contraception.


If you could tell me what ARVs you are taking as well as which pill, I’ll be able to tell you if there will be any interaction.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nanana,

    There can be an interaction between efavirenz, a drug in Trivenz, and the drugs in Diane 35. It’s important to talk to your doctor about taking these meds together. It can mean that you don’t get the full dose of either Trivenz or Diane 35.

    But you can show this HIV drug interactions website to your doctor so they can double check.

  2. Nanana

    I an taking Trivenz and Diane 35 would there be any interactions

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Seki,

    It’s great that your status is undetectable.

    However, it’s a good idea to discuss this with your doctor. That’s because the main drug in Tribuss is efavirenz. And efavirenz can interact with some contraception meds.

    You can ask to switch to other HIV meds that would work better with your choice of contraception. Please ask your doctor to look at this website for HIV drug interactions.

  4. seki

    Hi am using Tribuss what can I use for contraception besides condom. My status is undetectable

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nomi,

    There is a potential for the 2 hormones in this contraceptive to interact with efavirenz. Please see this link to the HIV drug interactions website.

    Efavirenz is expected to reduce the effectiveness of this contraceptive. Please talk to your doctor about other contraceptives that will work with efavirenz. You can also ask if you can switch from efavirenz to other HIV meds which are known to work better with Triphasil.

  6. Nomi

    What are the side effects of taking Efavirenz with triphasil

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bubu,

    Unfortunately the meds in Femodene, which are gestodene and ethinylestradiol, can be reduced by the main drug in Odimune, which is called efavirenz.

    Lisa has linked to more info about ARVs and contraception in the Q&A above.

    It’s a good idea to talk to the doctor about what ARVs and what contraception works best with you.

    Please show this link to the HIV drug interactions webiste to your doctor.

  8. Bubu

    Can I take femodene contraceptive pill when taking arvs, Odimune?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ntombifuthi,
    Atroiza can interact with some hormone contraceptives. But please see here for more info about ARVs and contraception:

  10. Ntombifuthi

    Altrioza, Are they interference


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