Q and A


Will ARVs interfere with me taking the pill?

Do ARVs affect the efficiency of birth control pills?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Please see here for info about ARVs and contraception.


If you could tell me what ARVs you are taking as well as which pill, I’ll be able to tell you if there will be any interaction.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Karishima, there is the potential for interaction between these two drugs. Why are you taking Triphasil? As triphasil is a combination of both levenorgesterol and ethinylestradiol, these two drugs can be reduced in their absorption by Trivenz. This is because Trivenz contains efavirenz which reduces the absorption of the drugs used in Triphasil. Depending on what is available to you and how you take your medication, taking them at different times will help reduce the interaction between these medications. But there is still a risk that Triphasil will not work as well. There will be no impact on how Trivenz treats HIV.

  2. Karishma

    Hi there i am on Trivenz for HIV can i take Triphasil please help me..

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sandra,

    What are the names of the contraceptive pills that you can access where you live?

  4. Sandra

    Hi am on Atroiza ARVs, what contraceptive pill can I use?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Xoliswa,

    The method that you use should be a personal choice. The coil will be OK, but you should discuss your family planning needs with a healthcare professional.

  6. Xoliswa

    Hi so which one is the perfect of contraceptive pill to use while I’m taking Aluvia

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Xoliswa,

    There’s a potential interaction between the Aluvia and the Ethinylestradiol that’s in Trigestral, therefore it might be better to use another form of contraceptive pill or another form of birth control. Please see here: https://www.hiv-druginteractions.org/downloads/ajd45jg-4er5-67oy-ur43-009ert.pdf?interaction_ids%5B%5D=116210&interaction_ids%5B%5D=116215&interaction_ids%5B%5D=68562&interaction_ids%5B%5D=83167

  8. Xoliswa

    Hi I want to know Aluvia and Lamivudine (Arvs) Will affect Trigestrel for family planning?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alexise,

    As the following explains https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/contraception there is a possibility that there could be an interaction between the contraceptive pill and efavirenz. Therefore, you may wish to think about using another form of family planning.

  10. Alexise

    Hi im Alexise
    I would like to know if efavirens can affect minerva 35 contraceptive


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