Q and A


My viral load is 20, is this OK?

Been on Atripla for 6 years now ,

went for my regular test ,got my results today and CD4 is on 900 but VL is less than 20 copies am very worried as it is usually undetectable.

what can i do to make sure it gets undetectable again?


Thanks for getting a touch.

The classification for an undetectable viral load is less than 50 copies. Therefore, you are still undetectable because your viral load is less than this. You’re doing well, and have nothing to worry about.


  1. Ntombekhaya

    Hi my last viral load was 28
    I’m having unprotected sex with my current boyfriend and he don’t know my status
    Im scared to tell him coz he might freak out coz hez younger than me but I’m 100% sure that I will not infect him
    Am I being careless?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Percyginia,

    What does your doctor say? What HIV meds are you taking? If your viral load was less than 20 on these meds, then it shows they were working well.

    If your viral load is 13620 now, please talk to your doctor about changing your meds. You can ask for a test to see if there is drug resistance.

    However, a small rise in viral load of say 136 could be a blip. A blip is a low rise in viral load that goes back below 50 copies/mL on a new test. A blip doesn’t mean you need to change treatment.

    Please check with your doctor and let us know.

  3. Percyginia

    Am worried on January my viral load was less than 20 now June it says 136 20 I don’t understand what is going on

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Beth,

    Your husbands HIV is under control. This is because his viral load is undetectable. Therefore, you don’t need to take PrEP. Please see here: http://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  5. Beth

    My husband have been taking biktarv since September I think how you spell it but hisviral load says<20 HIV-1 RNA not detected so that means he undectable right? His cd4 says 23.9 low but then this other thing say s. CD 8 Suppressor high 1641 I’m lost on what this mean. I stop taking my prep cause I kept forgetting should I be worried

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Khanya,

    If you started meds with a CD4 count of 4, you shouldn’t have to wait a year for another CD4 test, and this is even if your HIV is now under control. It’s under control because your viral load is less than 50. If you can you should have another CD4 count, you need to know how it is progressing.

  7. Khanya

    Im talking my atroiza as well as tb treatment then i was diagnosed that im hiv by 2011 then i start taking my med 2019 aug they check my cd4 by aug it was 4 then now by feb they chech my viral load and my results was <20 then i where told that cd4 will be checked after a year of which is August so i want to know is it correct or i can go for my self to prvate doctor and check my cd4 every 6mnths?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Khanya,

    A viral load of<20 means that your HIV is under control. You're doing really well. With regards to your CD4 count, it's not possible to say what that is from your viral load. Have the clinic told you what it is?

  9. Khanya

    Im worried my viral load is <20 is my cd4 will go higher?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Susan,

    If your viral load is 20, and you’re taking ART, you can not transmit HIV. That’s even if you don’t use condoms. There’s more info at this link to Undetectable = Untransmittable
    Are you taking ART, and for how long? Please also let us know what HIV meds you’re on.

    Please let us know more about your question.


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