Q and A


I’ve stopped taking my meds, is this OK?

I was on ARVs for 3 years, now I’ve stopped. I’ve stopped because I feel OK and don’t feel sick. Is this OK?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Please see Q7 here:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Shawn, in most people, viral load will already rebound to detectable levels within a week. If he stays off meds, the viral load will continue to increase over the next few weeks and months until it reaches the level it was before treatment. After a few week, the CD4 count is likely to start to fall, also to pre-treatment levels. HIV meds put HIV on-hold. After stopping, the clock is started again and HIV continue to progress. Do you know why he stopped meds?

  2. Shawn

    My friend just stopped taking his medicine it been a week now what could happen in one week if he stopped treatment

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Jeffery, definitely not! Having support definitely makes things a little easier, but if you don’t have this at the moment, it is even more important that you keep taking your meds. The treatment means you will have plenty of time to find new friends – and perhaps even for your current friends to become better informed and more helpful. Have you asked your clinic about support groups with other HIV positive people? Even connecting online (for example, to discussions at http://www.poz.com) can be a good way to connect. How are you doing otherwise?

  4. Jeffrey

    If you lack support from family and friends, is it reason enough to stop treatment?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Priscilla,

    What meds were you taking? Have you been offered another combination? What’s your viral load and CD4? Are you being treated for your liver condition?

    If you could get back in touch, we’ll be able to help you.

  6. Priscilla

    I was taking ARVs for 3months then i got sick with jaundice and liver disease the doctor stopped me from taking them.so what i need to know what wil happen in future when i get sick.will i restart the treatment or what?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us and for encouraging people to take their meds.

  8. Tom

    The question is… I’ve stopped taking my meds because I feel ok. Is this ok?
    The answer is… No, it’s not ok. The reason you feel ok is because your meds are working. By not taking your meds, you are giving the virus a very good opportunity to become resistant to the meds you are taking. When you start to feel sick again, and you will, believe me I’ve been there. The meds you are taking now will be of no use because the virus has had ample time to build resistance.
    There have been instances where the patient has built resistance to all the major
    active ingredients in the available meds. Leaving them in a class called Super Resistance. It is difficult to match them up to a suitable “cocktail”. (For lack of a better word).

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cay,

    Is the reason why you don’t want to conceive naturally because you’re worried about transmitting HIV? If it is, then this really isn’t something that you need to worry about. This is because the risk of transmission when someone is on meds and has an undetectable viral load is close to zero. Please see here for more info:


    If you’re still not comfortable with the idea of having sex without a condom, then you will need to talk to a fertility specialist. They will be able to advice you on your options.

  10. cay

    Hello I’m on my meds and take them everyday. Is it possible for me to have a baby? The thing is I don’t want to have sex without using a condom.


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