Q and A


My family are giving my baby water, is this OK?

I’m HIV+ mother and my baby is 3wèeks old . My CD4 count was 311 and undetectable viral load. I’m breastfeeding her and my family don;t know about my status. She tested HIV – n. Shes taking her meds as well (nvp). My worry is that now my mom believe the baby needs water so we giving her water almost every day and my breast milk is not enough for her as shes always sucking me. They say she doesn’t get full so we must feed her. I would to know what are the chances of my baby being HIV +


Thanks for getting in touch.

And congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Its also great to hear that she’s already tested negative.

Your family giving your daughter won’t influence her possible status. However, babies who are this young don’t need water. What they need is milk, and milk alone. If you feel like you aren’t producing enough milk, you may need to change to formula. However, if you do this, you must not mix feed.

The best thing to do would be to speak to your babies doctor. They will be able to tell you if she’s growing or not. If its any help some babies suckle more than others.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Enhle,

    The risks are low, but they are there. Has your baby been tested? Have you know stopped mixed feeding?

  2. ENHLE

    I did not know it was dangerous for me mix feed my 5weeks old till today she is on medication and so am I but I’m worried she could be already infected…

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andiswa.

    If you’re breastfeeding both you and your daughter need to be on meds. If this isn’t possible due to access issues, then yes, swap to the formula.

    One thing to know is that its important that babies born to positive mothers should not be mix feed, so breast and bottle. How long has your family been doing this for? Have you had your baby tested? If you have what was her result?

  4. Andiswa

    Hi my daughter is 3 months old and she on viramune and I run out of meds it’s been 4 days now and I’m breastfeeding nw I’m afraid my baby will be infected and my family is insisting that I must start my baby on formula coz she doesn’t get full and my aunt told she has been giving my baby formula while I’m not there and my family do not know my status so I want to know what should I do cause I have been trying to get hold of my doctor still no luck please help me do I continue breastfeed although I have no meds or I just continue with the s26 formula that my aunt started her on

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lebognag,

    If your baby has a rash this could be due to the meds. It could however be due to a number of other things. Therefore, please take your baby to see a doctor.

    Its common for babies who are breastfeed to experience constipation, again this is something to discuss with a healthcare professional.

    Its perfectly fine to switch from breast milk to formula. The important thing is not to mix feed, so breast and formula. If your family ask you any questions, you could just tell them that your doctor has advised you to give your baby formula.

  6. Lebogang

    I am HIV + mother and my son is 1 month and on treatmeant.i am breastfeeding and know m starting to worry that he will get the virus as he was born HIV- as he developing a rash on his face .i want to stop and breastfeeding and give him formula.i havent told my family about my status.what should i do and he seems not getting enough milk from me as he cries a lot and have a problem of doing poop as he has cramp on his stomach and it take 2to 4 hours before he could poop and he pushes a lot?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Temah,
    It’s great that your baby tested negative from birth. Having an undetectable viral load is the best way to protect your baby. There can be some risk to your baby if you mix feed. But this can be because of mixing breastfeeding with solid food. You can talk to the doctor about this and check your exact viral load too. Then you can ask about switching only to formula – and not back to breatfeeding. If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign for support.

  8. Temah

    Hi I’m a hiv+mom and I’ve been taking may meds since last year September ,I have a 2months baby I’m exclusively breastfeeding. my viral load is lower but detectable ,my baby tested negative from birth now I wanna switch to formula ,will that increase the chances of him be infected ?

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lihle,
    It’s recommended that you don’t mix breastfeeding and bottle feeding. So is it possible to switch to feeding your baby formula only? Can you ask at the clinic for some support so that you can give your mom other reasons for this? If you are living in South Africa the Treatment Action Campaign might be able to help with advice.

  10. Lihle

    Hi y baby is 3 months old am breastfeeding her and my mom wants to give her formula am hhov positive she doesn’t know about my status


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