Q and A


My family are giving my baby water, is this OK?

I’m HIV+ mother and my baby is 3wèeks old . My CD4 count was 311 and undetectable viral load. I’m breastfeeding her and my family don;t know about my status. She tested HIV – n. Shes taking her meds as well (nvp). My worry is that now my mom believe the baby needs water so we giving her water almost every day and my breast milk is not enough for her as shes always sucking me. They say she doesn’t get full so we must feed her. I would to know what are the chances of my baby being HIV +


Thanks for getting in touch.

And congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Its also great to hear that she’s already tested negative.

Your family giving your daughter won’t influence her possible status. However, babies who are this young don’t need water. What they need is milk, and milk alone. If you feel like you aren’t producing enough milk, you may need to change to formula. However, if you do this, you must not mix feed.

The best thing to do would be to speak to your babies doctor. They will be able to tell you if she’s growing or not. If its any help some babies suckle more than others.


  1. Iight

    I’m hiv pos and I want to breastfeed for 3 months then stop, my viral load is s undetectable and my CD 4 is 850. But my Dr refuses now I’m said bcoz it’s my wish to breastfeed.

  2. Sammy

    I know sometimes i’m asking the impossible over the net but i mixed fed my 2 weeks old for 3 days now,because my breast milk is on an off an my little man have an appetited of an older baby 6 months on us it will be a myth want too switch completely,can i do so without haven’t gone for our 6 weeks check up? the big question during that period could i exposed my baby it is really nerve raking raising a baby whilst +

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sammy,

    Yes it does sound nerve racking when your baby son has a huge appetite and you’re not producing enough milk yourself. It sounds like you’re doing all you can.

    But it’s a good idea to talk to the nurses or doctors about this. They can give the best advice on feeding your baby. Switching only to formula would be good if it’s possible for you to do this.

    Can you call the doctor and ask these questions?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Khukhu,

    Congratulations on the news of your new baby son.

    Feeding with formula only cannot increase the risk of HIV to your baby. But it’s important that you don’t mix both breastfeeding and formula feeding.

    But using formula only is not a risk to your baby. Please talk to your doctor about the best way to feed him. You can check that a small amount of boiled water, with formula only, is not a problem.

  5. Khukhu

    Hi my baby(6 weeks) is HIV exposed, he is not tested yet and I was giving him a breast milk in 5 weeks ago but now I have switched him to formula… So my mother usually gives him small amount of boiled water when he is constipated. I am worried that the water will jeopardize his tests results

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lettie,

    If you’re on medication and your viral load is undetectable the chances of your child being positive are minimal. Him having a negative result, is also a really good thing. To know if your baby is going to be OK, they’ll need to have other tests. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy/hiv-negative

  7. Lettie

    Am HIV positive and am taking my meds,, I have 10 days baby boy and he is on meds too,, he is tested N am afraid if there is any chances for him to get P because I did breast feed him for few hours at hospital because of nurse who refuse to give me formula and late on I give him formula

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sammy,

    It sounds like it’s not easy at the moment. But you are doing all you can. You’re both taking meds. And it would be good if your viral load is undetectable.

    So just once doesn’t sound like problem. But can you get some help from the doctor or clinic? It’s a good idea to ask them about how you can feed your baby if you don’t have enough milk.

    What country do you live in? There could be local help for you.

  9. Sammy

    i was not producing enough milk and i ended mix feeding my week old baby for a day well while he was struggling to sleep and crying non-stop i’m HIV+,we are both in our meds his last results were negative,have i jeopardise his health?
    I know the only way to find out is through tests but can that window of mix feeding affected him?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ayanada,

    Giving your baby water won’t have any impact on their possible status. However, there are things that you can do please see here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/colic/


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