Q and A


Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months?

Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months instead of 6 cause my family doesn’t know and I have to go back to work.


Thanks for getting in touch.

How long you breastfeed for is up to you. If you want to stop at 3 months then you can. If you’d like to continue to give your baby your milk, you could express it and give it to them in a bottle. Is this something that you’ve thought about?

If you do stop giving them your milk, its better that you don’t mix feed.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lurato,

    This sounds like it was just a single mistake. But the important thing is you are doing all you can because your baby is taking nevirapine and you are on ART.

    Do you have access to your viral load and CD4 results? Being undetectable can dramatically reduce the risk of HIV to your baby. What ART meds are you taking? Please let us know.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign for local support.

  2. Lurato

    Was away for one night left expressed breast milk…baby finished all of it. Then due to hunger mother gave formula. Came bek resumed breast milk as I can’t afford breast milk. Baby 5weeks on Nvp and am on ART

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Luh,

    It’s ok to start with formula whenever you’re ready, the time of day won’t make any difference.

  4. Luh

    Hi Lisa I need to stop breastfeeding my baby now she’s 3months cos and gv her formula… So should I wait for 12 o’clock midnyt and start d formula or it’s ok anytym in the morning thou… And m hiv lositive

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Peace,

    Yes babies can have solid foods when you breastfeed. As to when you introduce solid foods guidelines around solids vary. In the UK babies don’t usually start solid food until they are 6 months old.

  6. Peace

    Hi I’m breastfeeding and I’m hiv so I would like to know can I give my baby a solid food before 6 months?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Unknown,

    Your baby being given solid wont’ be an issue. This isn’t mixed feeding. Mixed feeding is when a baby is given both breast milk and formula. It isn’t however recommended to give babies solids until they are 6 months old.

  8. Unknown

    I’m hiv positive and breastfeeding bt my baby was crying cos it was not enough then my mother started to give her food, she is less than 3 month and am on ART, my viral load is undedectable nd my baby is on NVP, what are the chances of her being positive I’m really scared

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Unknown,

    As Lisa says on this Q&A, if you stop breastfeeding your baby, it’s better that you don’t mix feed with both formula and your own milk. Mix feeding like this can increase the risk of HIV to your baby.

    Please talk to your doctor about the best way to feed your baby. You can ask about using only formula if you are not producing enough milk.

    Here’s the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  10. unknown

    i want to know if it ok to give my baby formula and breastmilk after 6 months if i’m hiv+


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