Q and A


Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months?

Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months instead of 6 cause my family doesn’t know and I have to go back to work.


Thanks for getting in touch.

How long you breastfeed for is up to you. If you want to stop at 3 months then you can. If you’d like to continue to give your baby your milk, you could express it and give it to them in a bottle. Is this something that you’ve thought about?

If you do stop giving them your milk, its better that you don’t mix feed.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thembi,

    The safest thing for a baby is formula milk, so yes it’s OK to give your baby formula milk. The important thing is that you don’t mix feed, so formula and breast milk.

  2. Thembi

    Hi there, I am Thembi and I have a 2 month old baby and m HIV positive and breastfeeding, and my baby’s PCR results are negative, now I must go back to work and I need to stop breastfeeding her and give her formula milk at 2 months, because I tried expressing for her but the milk is just not enough to get her through the day , my question is, will she be safe if I stop breastfeeding her at two months and just give her formula milk only?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sandra,

    I’m sorry to hear about the oral thrush. However, it’s important for you and your baby to see the doctor about this. You can ask for diagnosis and treatment. You can also get the best advice about how to feed him from the doctor and nurses too.

  4. Sandra

    Am HIV mother and my viral load is undetected am having a 3 month baby am still breastfeeding him i have seen oral trush in the mouth now am confused but the time i Born they gave him some drugs to take

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ayanda,

    First, many congratulations on the news of your baby twins.

    It’s great that their PCR results are negative. It’s good too that your viral load is undetectable. But mix feeding them with both breastmilk and formula milk can increase risk of HIV.

    So please talk to the doctor or nurse about any problems there are with feeding them both. The clinic should advise you on how to feed them in the best way possible. This should include when you can wean them onto soft food too.

  6. Ayanda

    Hello i’m the mother of 4 months twins, HIV positive with undetected viral load and their PCR results are negative. What will happen if i mix feed them? plz help.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Besong,

    Please ask your childs doctor, they will be able to advise you.

  8. Besong

    I’m a breastfeeding mother with hiv positive
    Is close too a month now
    My bb has being stooling dyrrea
    Should I stop given her breastfeeding or continue?? She’s five month old

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nossy,

    Babies under 6 months don’t need solid foods, what they need is milk. Mixed feeding refers to breast milk and formula as well as solids for very small babies.

  10. Nossy

    Hy my son is 2months n I’m a positive mom and I breast feed. I know solid foods n mix feeding is not allowed does this mean even purity or you can’t formula mix feed only ?


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