Q and A


Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months?

Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months instead of 6 cause my family doesn’t know and I have to go back to work.


Thanks for getting in touch.

How long you breastfeed for is up to you. If you want to stop at 3 months then you can. If you’d like to continue to give your baby your milk, you could express it and give it to them in a bottle. Is this something that you’ve thought about?

If you do stop giving them your milk, its better that you don’t mix feed.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lindiwe,

    Yes you can switch to formula, this won’t be a problem. With formula there’s no risk.

  2. Lindiwe

    Hi I’m hiv and just gave birth.can I switch breastfeeding after 3 days to formula

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nkhensani,

    If you’re having issues with the amount of milk that you’re able to produce the best thing would be to change to formal now. It’s important that babies get the right amount of milk.

  4. Nkhensani

    Am HIV positive and my child is 10days n my breastmilk doesn’t come out well so can I stop breastfeeding in a month and give my child a formula?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shylet,

    Yes it’s OK to switch to formula, the important thing is that you don’t mixfeed.

  6. Shylet

    is it safe l want to stop breastfeeding at three months and give bottle

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Amiena,

    Yes you can switch to formula milk, this won’t be an issue.

  8. Amiena

    Can a hiv + mom stop breastfeeding at anytime ?
    My boy is 6 weeks old his 1st test was negative waiting in for the 6 week test results. I need to go back to work in the next + – 2 weeks and my family doesn’t know about my status hense my mom will be looking after my son can I put him on formula I know mix feeding is dangerous but I’d just like to know can I take him off the breast milk and switch him to formula Milk from 6 weeks old already?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Nicole, please make all decisions together with your doctor or nurse. Switching to formula milk should be okay. Please continue to give your baby the meds though until the doctor says it is okay to stop.

  10. Nicole

    Can you switch to formula feeding after 3 months and if I switch it is it necessary to continue giving the medication


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