Q and A


Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months?

Can I stop breastfeeding at 3 months instead of 6 cause my family doesn’t know and I have to go back to work.


Thanks for getting in touch.

How long you breastfeed for is up to you. If you want to stop at 3 months then you can. If you’d like to continue to give your baby your milk, you could express it and give it to them in a bottle. Is this something that you’ve thought about?

If you do stop giving them your milk, its better that you don’t mix feed.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zandie, are you on treatment? and do you know your viral load? If you are on treatment with a low viral load it will be safe to continue exclusively breastfeeding baby until they are 6 months.

  2. Zandie

    Hi there

    I was diagnosed with HIV while I was pregnant luckily she tested negative and I’m breastfeeding her she’s 9 weeks 9 around 7 weeks my mother introduced her to Infacare because I was not around and she finished the expressed milk I left for her and when I got home I breastfed her and i got sick very sick a week later so I went to hospital for a day and night they gave her formula again and I breastfed her again after hospital coz it hurts to see her cry and search for my breasts so this week I’ve decided to try and stop breastfeeding her because I’m scared she might get infected if not already but it’s been two days now I can’t do it…….plz advise

    Can I breastfeed her again and stop the formula until 6 months?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mauren, how are you doing? Congratulations on having a baby. There is a small increased risk of transmission if you are mixed feeding. Though as this was only for a week and you are now only formula feeding, this risk is very small. The risk is further reduced as you have a well controlled viral load. Has baby been given their own medication? Usually they are given nevirapine? If this is the case this will help protect baby too.

  4. Mauren

    Hey dia what will happen to my baby I breastfeed him for one week but was also giving him formula milk den I diverted to only give him formula milk but am hiv positive but with a good viral load will my baby test positive or negative at 6weeks

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Chanell, congratulations on having a baby. I am sorry to hear they had pneumonia, how are they doing now?

    Do you mind if I check that you are HIV positive?

    Mixed feeding is not recommended if you are HIV positive. This is regardless of your own viral load and if you are on HIV medication. This is because mixed feeding can increase the risk of transmission to baby. It is best to only do breastmilk or formula feed. Not both until at least 6 months.

    If you would rather only breastfeed are you able to ‘express’ your milk? This way you would have breastmilk stored for the week while you are at school. Expressing mid week while you are at school and away from baby will also help keep your milk supply. Is there a reason you do not want your baby on formula full time at the moment?

    As for medication to help with milk production I am unsure. i-base is a charity based on HIV treatment and I cannot comment on suitable medication for other requirements. Are you able to speak to a doctor or pharmacist or maybe a midwife? They would also be able to inform you of other practises (other than medication) that can help improve milk supply.

  6. Chanell

    Hi I gave birth at 35 weeks and my baby had pneumonia. I only breastfed her for like 3 weeks and then I had to go back to school. Bear in mind the first week after she was born I was struggling to produce breastmilk so I don’t feel like she was getting enough milk. So after she was 3 weeks oldi had to go back to school, so I put her on formula and I chose the infacare formula. So during the week she wouldbe on formula and weekends I would breastfeed. I haven’t expressed alot so now my breasts aren’t producing enough milk, it’s like it’s drying up, so for the the past 2 weekends I couldn’t breastfeed her since not enough milk comes out.
    The thing is the term at school will end anytime soon and then I’ll go back home for approximately 2 months. So for this 2 months I’d really like to give her all the breastmilk I can possibly give her and maybe after the 2 months stop breastfeeding completely and put her on formula full time, atleast she’ll be 4 months by then.
    The question I have is what can I buy at the pharmacy to help with my breasts to produce milk again, also, I used the cipla actin tablets to help with my weight gain before I was pregnant, can I use this while breastfeeding or should I wait until she’s completely off the breasts? Another thing is, would it be wise to stop breastfeeding her completely after 4 months since I’ll have to go back to school.?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nthabiseng, you can stop at 3 months but it has been recommended that exclusively breastfeeding for the first 6 months is best for baby. However I understand that this may not always work and breastfeeding needs to work for baby and you. If you switch it is not recommended to switch back.

    Solid food is not recommend to be introduced to baby’s diet until at least 6 months. Before this baby is still young and will not be able to chew and digest the solid food.

  8. Nthabiseng

    Can i stop breastfeeding at 3 months and give formula and solid food

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sandra, why do you want to stop breastfeeding? Depending on where you are there is different advice. Taking your baby to a clinic will help discuss how best to stop breastfeeding.

  10. Sandra

    Do I take the baby to clinic if I want to stop breastfeeding


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